I got my PhD in Statistics in 2000 from Stockholm University on the topic Bayesian Cointegration with the brilliant Daniel Thorburn as supervisor.

After my post doc, I was senior lecturer at Stockholm University (2003-2011) and researcher and advisor at the Swedish central bank (2004-2011), where I was part of a team that developed the two main models for macroeconomic forecasting and policy analysis.

I was Professor of Statistics at Linköping University in 2011-2023, spending time building up the Statistics and Machine Learning division and expanded my range in statistical applications to neuroimaging, robotics and transportation.

Since 2018 I am back at my alma mater Stockholm University, where I hold the Professor chair of Statistics.

I currently serve as associate editor for Bayesian Analysis (2020-) and have previously been associate editor for Econometrics & Statistics (2015-2022).

I enjoy programming, especially when I get to use the Julia programming language. More recently, I have started to explore Javascript and Observable for interactive/reactive visualizations.

This website is hosted on Github pages and was made with a Jekyll-Liquid-Bootstrap framework originally using Spencer Bryngelson’s academic theme with modifications by Pavlo Bazilinskyy.