Current courses

  • Bayesian Learning
    master level, 7.5 credits
    Given next time in Fall 2025
  • Advanced Bayesian Learning
    PhD level, 8 credits
    Given next time in Spring 2026
  • Statistical Theory and Modeling
    master level in computer and systems sciences, 7.5 credits
    Given next time in Spring 2025

Past Courses

  • Statistics and Data Analysis I (in Swedish)
    basic undergraduate level, 7.5 credits
    Spring 2023, Fall 2023
  • Regression and Time Series Analysis (in Swedish)
    basic undergraduate level, 7.5 credits
    Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022
  • Machine Learning
    master level, 7.5 credits
    Spring 2021
  • Bayesian Learning
    master level, 6 credits
  • Machine Learning for Industry
    AI competence Sweden course for employees in industry, 6 credits
    nov-dec 2019
  • Basic Time Series Analysis
    undergraduate level (in Swedish), 7.5 credits
    Fall 2017
  • Advanced Machine Learning
    master level, 6 credits (gaussian processes and state-space models)
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
    master level, 9 credits (intro, mixtures and high-dimensional ML)
  • Master Thesis Course
    master level, 30 credits
  • Statistical Analysis of Complex Data (in Swedish)
    undergraduate level, 7.5 credits (spatial and longitudinal data)
    2012-2014 and 2019
  • Programming in R (in Swedish)
    basic undergraduate level, 7.5 credits
    2012-2014 and 2019
  • Theory of Statistics
    undergraduate level, 7.5 credits
  • Statistical Methods
    master level, 7.5 credits (nonparametric reg and model selection)
  • Decision making
    basic undergraduate level, 30 credits
  • Decision theory
    master level, 7.5 credits
  • Bayesian Statistics I
    master level, 7.5 credits
  • Statistical theory
    undergraduate level, 7.5 credits
  • Bayesian Statistics II
    master and PhD level, 7.5 credits